Written by:

Holly Macdonald


February 22, 2010

There are always too many tools to track, but I have a compulsion to track ’em down, so I might as well just share.

Imagination cubed, this fun little one from GE allows you to draw on an online whiteboard, invite friends to join you and replays your drawing movements.  I liked their GUI, but since you are working online, there’s not a lot of editing, which would take some getting used to.  The “stamps” are good, too.  Click on the link to see mine.  This would be a handy service to brainstorm and share ideas.  Or introduce kids to online services that are more about creativity than others.

Voicethread, this is a content/media centric – you invite people to record their comments (voice or text).  Very compelling – check out “Sord Dragin man” if you can it is so cute, and shows nice product range, too.  This has great application for education, and business, too – kind of like an asynchronous focus group.

Oh yeah, my daughter made another online video with Xtranormal – seriously you should try it if you haven’t.   Click the image of “me” to watch the latest installment.  Apparently I can help avoid unnecessary boot camps (where does she get this from?).  Reality is that I love boot camps.