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Social + Behavioral Change

We craft custom non-profit training courses to inform and transform. We aim to propel your audience towards meaningful action and sustained behavioral change by leveraging engaging storytelling and interactive elements.

               Key Point (Icon)

Scale + Access

Recognizing the pivotal need to scale, we design our non-profit training courses to seamlessly expand your education to participants in even the most remote locations.

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Brand Reputation + Leadership

Position your non-profit as an industry leader with training programs that underscore your expertise and commitment to excellence. We help elevate your brand, ensuring your training reflects the quality and innovation your organization stands for.

               Key Point (Icon)

Innovation + Revenue Streams

Explore new frontiers with courses that fulfill educational mandates and open avenues for revenue generation. Ensuring your non-profit continues to grow its impact.

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At Spark + Co, we understand non-profit organizations’ unique challenges and needs for training and education.  We design custom eLearning solutions to help non-profits enhance their impact through practical, engaging, and accessible online training programs.  Below are four examples of organizations we’ve worked with to transform their non-profit training courses.

1) Social/Behavioral Change: Climate Insights – Forest Carbon and Climate Services Branch

Climate Insights is an example of how, at Spark + Co., we transform non-profit training courses towards meaningful action and sustained behavioral change by leveraging engaging storytelling and interactive elements.

The development of a Climate Insights course was a partnership between the Pacific Institute For Climate Solutions and the Forest Carbon and Climate Services Branch, which provides strategic leadership for the Government on climate change science, policy, and programs.  These non-profit training courses consisted of 4 modules in Rise, each of 30 minutes, aimed at professionals such as foresters, engineers, and government staff.  The learning objectives for the course included

  • Understanding the basic science (processes and systems) of climate change and how humans contribute to climate change
  • Understanding climate adaptation values, approaches, and choices
  • How mitigation relates to climate goals and how human activities can reduce GHG emissions
  • What, how, and who can take action to minimize climate impacts

Using various media and interactive activities, learners understand climate change perspectives, and meaningful lessons are reinforced using novel activities to cement their understanding.

images from non-profit training courses from PICS

Sources from numerous reputable scientists and agencies are used to portray vivid and authentic data to provide legitimacy to the information.  For example, the illustration below shows a video from NASA of a color-coded map in Robinson projection.  It displays a progression of changing global surface temperature anomalies over time.

climate change course images

NASA SVS | Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2021

Another feature the course used was storytelling to make the science of these non-profit training courses authentic and relatable to the learner.

Storytelling used in non-profit training courses

Klimaatstreepjescode – Warming stripes (c) KNMI

The course also incorporated indigenous knowledge and experience, such as Two-Eyed Seeing by Mi’kmaq Elder Albert Marshall, who developed an approach to research and education that balances Indigenous and Western Knowledge.

These non-profit training courses identify many inspiring actions to reduce climate change today.  The courses culminate in practical ways the learner chooses to undertake themselves to contribute to the overall reduction.

“It was an absolute pleasure to work with Holly and Spark + Co staff.  Holly’s leadership and expertise were pillars to the success of this project.  In addition to authoring the course, Spark + Co staff contributed by providing creative ideas for interactions and answered technical questions from the team.”

Office of the Chief Forester, Ministry of Forests, Forest Carbon and Climate Services Branch

2) Brand Reputation + Leadership: WeBC

WeBC has been supporting women business owners for nearly three decades.  Working with its regional partners, they’ve provided thousands of entrepreneurs with business loans and expertise, non-profit training courses, resources, and peer network support to help businesses grow and thrive.

image from WeBC non-profit training courses

WeBC, in partnership with Spark + Co., recently expanded the training resources offered to women business owners by creating six English and French courses containing over 50 modules.  These 1.5-hour Thinkific based non-profit training courses include strategic marketing, human resources, and financial fitness topics.

image of graph explaining depreciation

The comprehensive set of elegantly crafted on-demand courses positioned WeBC as a North American leader in its field.  Spark + Co. designed these non-profit training courses to help learners understand key concepts, work through interactive case studies, and complete activities that apply the learning to their businesses.  The courses are combined with workbooks, guidance from business advisors, and toolkits to reflect the quality and innovation of WeBC and elevate its reputation and status as a non-profit leader.

french version of non-profit training courses by WeBC

“Thank you for the final edits and congratulations for completing another awesome course!  I really appreciate the hard work put into this course to make it engaging, valuable and beautiful while working under tight timeline and finishing before the deadline!!  Developing 3 courses in 2 languages….

HR and FinFit are doing great and the total registration has passed the 500 mark! “

Project Manager, WeBC

3) Innovation + Revenue Streams: Co-operative Housing Federation

Co-operative Housing Federation (CHF) inspires, represents, and serves its members in a united co-operative housing movement and provides many programs to support co-op housing nationwide.

Spark + Co. helped CHF by developing an online learning platform for individuals to learn about topics relevant to management, governance, membership, and other critical issues related to co-op housing.  The self-paced non-profit training courses are open to anyone and offer both free and paid course options.  Not only do these programs fulfill CHF’s education mandates, but they have also opened up new revenue streams for the organization.

The series of programs allowed for continued investment and for CHF to expand its impact.

screenshot of CHF non-profit training course

4) Scaling Efforts + Access: Parent Support Services Society

The Parent Support Services Society (PSS) has supported the well-being of all families and children for over 50 years.  Over time, it has empowered those in a parenting role through community connections, research, education, and advocacy.  But recently, there was an urgent need to scale its programs and reach participants in diverse and remote locations.

PSS screenshot of indigenous perspectives elearning training

PSS and Spark + Co. developed six non-profit training courses:

  • Self-Help
  • Ethics
  • Indigenous Perspectives
  • Preventing Child-Abuse
  • Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Facilitator Skills

screenshot from PSS non-profit training courses

Overcoming Challenges Together

At Spark + Co., we want to help you drive your mission forward using our instructional design expertise and knowledge in training, education, and instructional products.  For example, we only create custom non-profit training courses and don’t produce any generic ones.  Generic courses don’t transform and rarely result in changing behavior.  Instead, we partner with your in-house team as a trusted advisor and provide the resources and expertise you may lack.  So you can make strategic decisions in the best interests of your organization.  The outcomes are non-profit training courses that solve defined challenges, transform your educational programs, and elevate your brand.

Time + Expertise Constraints

We get it – your time is a precious commodity.  Our solutions offer flexibility to access your subject matter experts, ensuring your aspirations aren’t shelved due to time constraints or lack of specific expertise.

Creative + Pragmatic Non-Profit Training Courses

Worried about spiraling costs?  Let’s be candid.  Spark + Co. creates instructional products within your budget, prioritizing the impact per dollar.  We don’t do flash without substance.  We balance your high expectations with pragmatism, delivering non-profit training courses on time and budget, focused on the impact on your audience.

Support + Feedback Excellence

By choosing Spark + Co, you opt for a partner vested in your success.  We aim to reduce the strain on your internal teams, providing comprehensive support and fostering an environment ripe for positive feedback on your courses from your learners.

Why Choose Spark + Co For Your Non-Profit Training Courses?

  • Customized Content: Training solutions tailored to your organization’s goals and challenges.
  • Expert Instructional Design: Courses designed using the latest eLearning tools and methodologies to enhance learning and retention.
  • Ongoing Support and Consultation: Continuous support to help you implement and optimize your training programs.

Let’s Embark On This Journey Together

At Spark + Co, we’re more than just a service provider.  We’re your strategic ally in the quest to educate, empower, and inspire.  Let’s collaborate to craft non-profit training solutions that meet your current needs and are scalable, impactful, and within your reach.  Want to see how we can make a difference together?  Reach out, and let’s get a conversation started.

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