Written by:

Holly Macdonald


June 22, 2009

Last week, I went back to some old files ( in the year 2000 – or Y2K!) to review some work I had done, as it is relevant to a current project.  The employee development approach at this organization was to develop EVERY employee, but to design a variety of programs that they would participate in (management vs. operational excellence).  The centerpiece of each program was a very individual Personal Development Plan.

I had created a process and a template that would provide some structure. We provided the option for them to focus on these things and created an Advisory Panel, of internal leaders who could provide enough input on the person’s focus and how it supported the overall organization’s direction and strategy. 

I thought I’d share this, as one way an organization may be able to continue to develop their employees is by switching to an individual approach, rather than a large-scale organization wide development program.   

Here’s the template that I used for the management program:

  • Short/Mid/Long term Goal
  • Competency
  • Tasks/ Activities: internal or external courses/ experiences/ activities that will develop the stated competency
  • Details: think about, and be specific about:
    • HOW this helps you develop the competency
    • HOW it fits into your vision/goal/plan
    • HOW you measure success/ achievement
    • WHO needs to help you develop this competency